This week we talked about the third thing we must do as a Christian that also helps lead us to become Campus Missionaries… Serve. Just as God has called us to pray and live, God also calls us to serve. We must serve God and serve People.
In order to serve, we must become servants. A servant is a person who does things for other people.
God calls all of us to serve. We get to choose if we serve because we love God and want to serve, or because we Love God and he has asked us to serve. Which ever way we choose, we should always be actively looking for ways to serve. We must serve and meet the needs of everyone we possibly can. And we must serve with a cheerful heart.
There are tons of ways we can serve… What are some of the ways that you can serve?
Serving should be infused with the way that we live our lives. Its how we show people who Jesus truly is. Because we serve, Jesus will be seen in everything we do, and people will see Jesus in our lives.
Just like prayer and spending time with the Word of God helps us to live a life pleasing to God, serving helps us develop our spiritual maturity. This happens when we get out of the “all about me” mode and get into the “all about others” mode. We need to remember that Jesus has called us to serve, not to be served.
Sadly, some of us are so concerned with their own needs that they fail to serve others, and in stead they end up walking all over people. Let me tell you from my experience of being walked on, unclean feet smell. We know in our heads how to live and what we should be doing, but our feet smell because we don’t live and do what we should. That’s when we end up walking on people.
We must serve God and serve People.
Lets take a look a what John 13:12-17 says about serving.
John 13:12-17Typically, foot washing was done by a servant. This would be someone like a made, a house boy, a slave, a child, or someone like that. It was unheard of that someone who was an authority figure (such as a king, a father, a guest, a priest, or some sort of a leader) to do such a thing. Jesus wanted to show that everything must be done away with that kept people from doing what they should do. He washed the Disciples feet so that he could show the value of spiritual washing and cleansing people form the bad things they do, aka sin. Jesus washed people clean of all the bad things, all the sin that they commit when he is accepted as Lord God and Savior.
“When he had finished washing their feet, he put on his clothes and returned to his place. “Do you understand what I have done for you?” he asked them. “You call me ‘Teacher’ and ‘Lord,’ and rightly so, for that is what I am. Now that I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also should wash one another’s feet. I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you. I tell you the truth, no servant is greater than his master, nor is a messenger greater than the one who sent him. Now that you know these things, you will be blessed if you do them.”
Jesus washed the disciples feet for 3 reasons: to show his love for them, to foreshadow his sacrifice on the cross, and to show that people are to follow his example and serve others.
When the Disciples saw that Jesus was serving people, they had a light bulb moment. They found that they need to follow in Jesus’ foot steps and serve people. The knew at that moment that by serving they will show people Jesus’ love, and the sacrifice he made for them on the cross.
As a Christian, you call Jesus your Lord God and Savior because that is what he is. Now that Jesus has served you, you must follow his example and serve the people around you.
Everyday you must actively look for ways to serve people in every way possible. When you serve people you will show them the love of Jesus, and the sacrifice he made on the cross for them.
You should serve people for the right reason. You should not serve and be looking for thanks or recognition. If you serve and look for thanks or recognition then you will eventually fail at serving. You must serve people with a loving heart, and serve those who have nothing to give you in return. When you serve others with the proper intent, you will honor God.
God has called each person in this room to serve, because the kingdom of God is built on servant hood.
When we serve other people, it will help tear down walls that have been build up, and open doors to share the Gospel with people. When we look for ways to lead people to Jesus, it is best done when we serve. Look at Jesus’ life, he had influence on people because he served. When we serve people, like Jesus did, we will gain influence in the lives of the people around us. We may have to serve by providing food, fixing homes and communities, or simply visiting with people as friends before they will open up and allow us to share our faith with them.
Now the question is, “Do you understand what Jesus has done for you?”
Jesus was beaten and bruised, he hung on the cross, and died an agonizing death. He did it all because he loves each and every one of us so much that he wanted to be the sacrifice for all the bad things, the sin, that we have done in our lives, so that one day we can spend eternity in heaven with God. Jesus conquered death are rose from the grave to sit at the right hand of God.
Jesus died on the cross in our place. If he didn’t, it would have been left up to us to pay for all the bad things, the sin, we have done. Let me tell you, there is no way we could have ever paid the price for the bad things, the sin, that we have done, and we would have ended up in Hell suffering for eternity do to not being able to pay it.
If you accept Jesus as Lord God and Savior, the Bible tells us that God will forgive us of all the bad things we have done. He will throw our sin into the sea of forgetfulness.
Today is your day… If you want God to forgive you of all the bad things you've done, and accept Jesus as your Lord God and Savior, say the following prayer from your heart and you will be forgiven and saved.
Jesus,If you have accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord God and Savior, the next step is to find a Bible believing church, start attending, and getting involved. To find a church in your area Click Here. If you accepted Jesus as your Lord God and Savior while reading this post please let me know, because I want to pray for you.
Thank you for dying on the cross in my place. Please forgive me of all the bad things that I have done. Today, I want to accept you as my Lord God and Savior. Come and live in my heart, and teach me to love you and love people.
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