25 October, 2010

2010 STL "Hick Fest"


There are going to be fun games, prizes, Coke, and Food. We are giving away a $15 iTunes gift card to the student who brings the most first time visitors.

This is going to be the most seed spittin, apple bobbin, bottle blowin, needle findin, Hick impersonatin time of your life. SO DON'T MISS OUT!!!

It is this Wednesday (November 27th) from 7pm to 8:30pm at 9393 SW 72nd St in Miami FL.

Hope to see you and your friends there!!!

16 October, 2010


The question I've been asking myself here lately is "Who am I?" What is it that really defines who i am?

I am first a follower of Jesus, second a husband, third a pastor and a leader, fourth a photographer and graphic designer, and fifth a student.

But what is it that really defines who I am? The answer is JESUS!!! It is Jesus who has molded me and made me into who I am. After all he is the potter and I am the clay. I know what Jesus has called me to do, and when I look back on my life I see were Jesus has moved to make me who I am.

It is Jesus who told me to get off the Christian bandwagon and follow him, It is Jesus that has given me my wife, it is Jesus that has called me to be a pastor and a leader, it is Jesus that guided me to go to design and photography school, and it is Jesus who makes me want to learn all I can about him, his word, and his calling on my life.

Jesus defines who I really am!

The List

Every year around this time people start making the list for you know who… Santa Clause!

So many times people want things that will be broken, tossed out, or set on a shelf and forgot about. Unless its a video game system, then "Santa" (notice the quotes) ends up buying video games through out the entire year (lol).

I got to thinking, what is it that I want more than anything this year?

I've been wanting a Canon 5D II with all the nice L series lenses, it would be nice to have that awesome 50" flat screen HDTV with a blue ray player, I would love a new house, a comfortable reclining sofa and love seat set, it would be really awesome to get my wife a new car, and Bethany and I both want a dog (she wants a Yorkie and I want a standard schnauzer).

But now that I'm thinking about it, the one thing that I want more than anything else this year is to get out of debt.

All my debt is from school and my car. I wasn't the kind of student that took out loans to have fun or to buy expensive things. My school loans went to paying for tuition, books, fees, room and board. When it comes to my car, well, i had to get a new one. The truck ran me about $800 per month to just to keep it up and running and for gas, so buying a new car was about 1/3 that price per month.

The way I see it, the quicker I get out of debt, the quicker I can give more. I can give more in tithe and offering, more to missions, and more to people in need. The quicker I get out of debt the more I can save and buy those things that I really want without going into debt.

There is so much that I would love to do, but right now it is debt and not wanting to go deeper into debt that is holding me back.

So here is my Christmas list for this year:

Dear Santa,

I know its been several years since I've written you a Christmas List. This year I don't really want material things. What I really want is to get out of debt. I hope this isn't too big of a request. After all, I have been really good this year: I graduated from Bible College, I'm a Youth Pastor now trying to teach the love of Jesus to my students and help them not be as bad as I was at their age, and I'm serving Jesus with all my heart (after all Jesus is the reason for the season).

Thanks Santa for showing Jesus Love through the gift of giving,


P.S. I'm no longer in Oklahoma any more, I moved to Miami Florida with my wife. :D

10 October, 2010

H2O Leadership Team

Today we had our first H2O Leadership meeting. We went to Cici's Pizza for lunch, and then went back to church to cover some business items.

We are looking forward to what God is going to do at H2O in the coming months.

Our Student Leaders are: Michelle, Raquel, and Channel. We will be adding more Student leaders to our team after football season is over.

Our Adult Leaders are: Stephanie, Angela, Charisse, and Shawna-Kay.

We are excited about our new leadership team!!!